Ways To Give

Tithes and offerings are sacrificial in nature and form a critical component of right worship. God calls for his people to give cheerfully from the blessings he has given them, not under compulsion or guilt. Family incomes may fluctuate during times of uncertainty, and God’s people must exercise wisdom to give within their means and avoid putting themselves in undue hardship. We rely on God’s faithfulness to bless his people and support the work of his Church.

Your tithes and offerings to support the ongoing missions of Cross Creek Presbyterian Church can be given during every worship service, by mail or online

Cross Creek Presbyterian Church,
Attention Church Treasurer
430 S. McPherson Church Rd.
Fayetteville NC 28303

You may also give online via the PCA Foundation link below. To do so you’ll have to create a login and choose the funds selection “10275” for Cross Creek Presbyterian.

If you have questions about these options, please contact a deacon or your shepherding elder